Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bonus Material!: Carne Norte!

So yesterday I randomly decided to find out from Carlo's mom what that delicious Filipino dish with the meat and tomatoes and onion that her brother Tony made once was, and make some myself. She told me it's called carne norte, and it's made with corned beef, tomatoes, onion, garlic and potatoes. So I looked up a recipe as a general guideline and then went and bought some and made it! I didn't use potatoes in this version cause the one time I had it at Lolo's house it was made without it, and I was in a hurry so I wanted to save some time.

2 tomatoes, chopped
2 onions, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 cans corned beef, cut into into 2" cubes

Fry the onions on med-high heat first in some oil. When they're translucent, add the rest of the ingredients, lower the heat to med-low and simmer for 10-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, till the liquid from the tomatoes has evaporated. Serve with rice or other carbs, and some veggies. We use milagrosa rice, apparently it's a favourite of Filipinos. We make it using only 1 part water to 1 part rice, rinsing/washing the rice 3 times well before cooking it. I never liked plain rice till I tried it the way Carlo's family makes it :) Now I can eat bowlfuls of the stuff!

I found the meat it a bit salty for my taste though so I'm gonna see if I can find low-salt corned beef.

Now I have to get myself to the store to buy stuff for the pölsa recipe I'll be posting later. Vi ses! ("see you later" in Swedish)


  1. I like jasmine rice. My (Chinese) mom always rinsed the rice like that until the water was almost clear. The water to rice ratio trick she taught me was to fill the water to the first joint of your index finger when you put your fingertip barely on the top of the rice in the pan. Works every time.

  2. Carlo's Filipino grandfather has some Chinese on his side of the family and he showed me how to make the rice that way too :)

    Your mom was Chinese? Cool! Do you have any good Chinese family recipes to share?

  3. I wish I had some recipes. My mom always cooked by the seat of her pants and so do I. Everything ends up being some kind of variation on a theme. One of my favorites is still Spam fried rice made with leftover rice the next morning. :)

  4. Hehe I like to cook that way too sometimes, it usually ends up in something yummy :) I should try making that, I've never made fried rice before...

  5. Oh my... never made fried rice??? It can be fancy or simple. A little oil, saute some garlic, add some finely diced Spam (or whatever leftover meat you have) add some scrambled eggs with chopped green onions in the eggs cook until soft, throw in a couple cups of last night's rice and some soy sauce and fry until the rice is hot and the eggs are done. Serve with kim chee. Breakfast of the gods! :)

  6. Thanks, sounds yummy! I'll try that next time I have some leftover rice (which should be soon, we make rice once or twice a week usually) :) Yeah I should get some kimchi too, I like that stuff :)
